Hybrid Hawk Block 1 Pre-Flight Instructions


Install and Tighten Legs

  • Remove Legs from bottom of hub case

  • Insert bare end into leg receptacles (with foot pad facing away)

  • CAUTION: Ensure the collar is tight and properly threaded around the leg. 


Install Arms In Matching sockets

  • Remove Arms from arm case

  • Match Inner Arm Letters to Outer Arms Letters

  • Letters indicate the top of the arm

  • Push inward to mate

  • Arms may be stiff. This is normal

  • Secure Latch- Ensure secondary lock is engaged

  • DANGER: ENSURE correct arm placement.  A to A, B to B, C to C, D to D.  Improper arm placement may lead to abnormal flight performance.


GPS Masts

  • Unfold GPS masts to the extended position shown in the photo

  • CAUTION: Improperly deployed masts will lead to erratic flight characteristics.

  • Lock mast in extended position using light to moderate pressure on wingnut



Batteries and Cowling

  • Insert batteries into battery slots with the balance plug tucked in front of the battery.

  • Make sure batteries are centered and secure

  • Plug Batteries into power input plugs

    • Note- Power will not be provided to the drone until power plug is engaged during a later step.


Cowling. Place cowling flat on the fusalage. While pushing the surrounding cowling flush to the carbon fiber fusalage, push the retaining tabs into the retaining holes. Ensure that all push tabs are fully inserted and cowling is secure.


Propellers and Motors

  • Check condition of the propellers by looking for nicks, cracks or fractures.

  • Check motor condition by give each propeller a good spin. The motor should have some resistance but be smooth enough to freely spin a few full rotations.

  • CAUTION: Damaged propellers can cause reduced flight performance.

  • CAUTION: Any damaged propellers should never be used. Micro-fractures in propellers can result in high velocity debre being released from spinning propeller.


Engine and Exhaust

  • Check that the exhaust is securely fastened and there is no play between the head and exhaust mount.

    • Due to extreme heating and cooling the exhaust bolts may become loose between endurance flights. A 4mm T-handle allen driver can be used to tighten the bolts as needed.

  • Remove Exhaust Covers if applicable.

    • Exhaust hole covers are optional


  • Confirm air filter is secured/ Install if needed.

    • Air filter is removed for shipping and a cap is used to prevent fuel leak.

    • Air filter will cover the carburetor- use flat head screw driver to tighten hose clamp. Confirm that the air filter is securely fastened and is unable to rotate. Overtightening will result in the air filter being squeezed off the carburetor.



Checking Fuel Level

  • This can be done by weighing the drone. Weigh the aircraft at Operating Empty Weight plus payload and add fuel until you reach your desired take off weight. Be sure not to exceed MTOW.


  • Weight Definitions

    • Empty Weight= Aircraft Systems without fuel, oil, or coolant.

    • Operating Empty Weight= None usable Fuel, Coolant

    • Maximum Take off Weight= Fuel and Coolant and Payload.

(Future block revisions of Hybrid Hawk will have fuel level sensors)


  • Remove Vent Cap

  • Attach Filler Line to aircraft

  • Attach Vent Line to Aircraft

  • Engage Pump to “Fill” position.


  • Follow same steps for removing fuel- Fuel Pump set to “Drain”


Fuel Pump Operation

  • Battery: Lipo 11.1V (2s-3s)

  • Pumping rate Lipo 11.1V : 1200~1500ml/min

  • Charging Jack: XT60

  • Weight: 380g (Without battery)

  • Caution: Do not rotation without oil and fuel- Doing so will damage pump.

  • Recommended Battery: 3s 11.1v lipo battery with XT60 plug-4000mAh - 9000mAh. Hard case is preferred for ruggedness




Move Aircraft to RTL Safe Location

  • Move Aircraft to a safe takeoff location

  • This location is also the return to land location that will be used for landing in the event of a loss of R/C link or an RTL triggered by the pilot.

  • Make sure you are on a flat area clear from tree, wires and other potential obstructions, as well as high traffic areas for vehicles, people or animals.


Power on Boot Sequence

Boot Sequence- The Hybrid Hawk is Equipped with a precharge circuit that reduces sparking when connecting the power plug. Following these steps will ensure smooth operation

  • Hold Boot Button- You will hear fans do a self check and aircraft will power on

  • Insert power plug- The power plug is a XT90 plug used to power the drone on externally. Only when this plug is engaged will the aircraft batteries be providing full power.


  • Release Boot Button



Once the aircraft is powered on you can confirm your controller is receiving telemetry. Refer to the Horus R/C Controller Page and TXMOD User Guide for more information on your controller and confirming your telemetry link.




Checking Map and Fail Safes and Configuration

Once you’ve connected to your ground control software you can confirm you location on the map as well as the compass heading. If you are not using a ground control software you can confirm your compass heading on your X10s controller my referring to the top center number in your hud. Use a cellphone or compass to confirm heading direction.


If you’re using a GCS computer check that your failsafe conditions are correct.

  • Return to Land altitude is set to a height that will clear any buildings, trees or obstacles

  • Verify fail safe voltages and actions. The Hybrid will run for approximately 6 minutes on battery power only.



Back Up Battery should be 47v minimum voltage to start the generator. The generator system will charge the battery to 49.5v during warm up and maintain battery voltage during normal operation.

Caution- The Drone will not be allowed to arm and take off if battery level is below 47v.

Caution- Its recommended that the backup battery is at least 48v before flying more then 1500' from your take off location so that the aircraft has sufficient backup battery in the event of a engine out. In the right density altitude the engine will have sufficient power to charge batteries and fly the aircraft.


Engine Start:

The Engine will use the generator head as a starter motor to start. Flip the engine start switch to “On” position and leave it in this position. The engine will run at a higher RPM while the system reaches its operating temperature. We recommend 2 minutes of idling before proceeding to the next steps. You will know the engine has reached its operating temp when the idle RPM lowers.



R/C Controller

  • Set Flight Mode to desired mode for takeoff

    • A typical takeoff will be in loiter

  • Ensure other switch positions are as desired

Check Battery Voltage

  • Check the battery voltage before takeoff

  • Fully charged voltage should be 49.5V or greater

  • Minimum recommended takeoff voltage is 48.0V

Hardware Safety Switch

  • Press and hold hardware safety button for approximately one second

  • The button is located on the left GPS unit

  • The small red indicator light around the button will blink when the aircraft is disarmed and incapable of arming

  • The small indicator light will be solid red when the aircraft is capable of arming



More Information on Hardware Safety Switch can be found on Ardupilot.org





  • Verify area is clear

  • Announce takeoff

Arm Vehicle

  • Left Control Stick -- Down & Right


  • Raise throttle to takeoff and climb


  • Verify area is clear

  • Announce Landing

  • Make sure you are in the desired flight mode

  • Descend to 5' above your landing zone

  • Ensure you have zero ground speed, landing with any ground speed can result in a tip over on landing.

  • Lower throttle Stick to descend to the ground.

  • Once you have landed hold the throttle stick at zero position (all the way down) until the propellers stop spinning and you see “DISARM” appear on your remote and or Ground Control Software.

  • Turn your generator motor to “Off” position using your Remote controller

  • Engage the Hardware safety switch if the aircraft will remain powered on.

  • If your are ready to power down, remove “Power Plug”


Flight Planning

Area Check

Flight and Operations Briefing

Area Check

Flight and Operations Briefing

  • Weather….……….Day VFR Conditions/Waiver

  • Temperature………………………….…………..Check

  • Visibility………………………………..…………..Check

  • Wind Speed………………………….…………..Check

  • Ceilings…….……………………………………….Check

  • TFRs…………………………………………………..Check

  • Proximity to Airports…....Check and Contact

  • Permission to Fly………….…………..……….Check

  • Local laws……………….……………..………….Check

  • State laws……………………………..…………..Check

  • Obstacle Hazards………….…Note or Mitigate

    • Wires & Cables

    • Poles

    • Fences

    • Animals

    • Bystanders

  • Level Ground for Takeoff/Landing

  • Alternate landing site……….……….…..Locate

  • Non-Flight-Crew Area……….….....Designate

  • Discuss flight plan with crew

  • Plan all actions

  • Review Potential Hazards

  • Plan contingencies for Actions

  • Plan Emergency Actions

BFD Systems – 2020