Adjusting Channel Settings and Endpoints

  1. Turn your transmitter on and clear all warnings. Hold the MDL key to go to the model setup page.

  2. Press the PgUp/Dn key 4 times to go to the MIXES page. Holding the PgUp/Dn key will allow you to go back a page

  3. Use the scroll wheel on the lower right of the controller to go to the RC channel you want to modify. Press and hold the button in the middle of the scroll wheel down to bring up the context menu, and then press the scroll wheel to select EDIT.

WARNING: Modifying channels 1-8 can cause undesired flight behavior for your Alta X!

Here is where you can change various settings for the channel you selected.

Mix Name: Human-readable name for your convenience, it can be anything you want.

Source: The switch, stick, slider, or pot you'd like to control the channel. Press the scroll wheel in to select. While it is highlighted, just actuate the switch or stick you'd like to use and it will be automatically selected.

Weight: This adjusts your endpoints. 100% is full endpoints. To reverse travel, use a negative weight.

Offset: This changes the center point of your channel.

Curve: This lets you pick a curve to apply to your channel. Typically, if used, you can change the type to Expo and add your Expo percentage here.


Units: Allows you to display your data in either metric or imperial units. Menu is found by holding the SYS key and selecting Pg/UpDn until you reach the RADIO SETUP page. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the “Units” option. Highlight the selection and hit the scroll wheel to switch between the two options.

Modes: Used to allow different presets. Not used in almost all setups.

Switch: Switch used to enable the channel. Not used in almost all setups.

Warning: This allows playing an audio alert when the channel is actuated.

Multiplex: For mixing this mix with another. Not used in most circumstances.

Delay Up/Down: How many seconds to delay your inputs in the up direction and down direction.

Slow Up/Down: How many seconds to smooth your inputs over in the up or down direction. This is often useful to have when using a switch to control a servo (slow engaging of a servo dropper, but fast disengaging)

When you are done, you can press the RTN key multiple times until you are back at the telemetry screen.

Unassigning a Mix

To completely remove a mix from an RC channel, follow the previous steps to navigate to the MIXES page.

  1. Use the scroll wheel to highlight the mix you intend to remove.

  2. Click and hold the scroll wheel to bring up the context menu.

  3. Select Delete

BFD Systems – 2020