Arming and Disarming


The aircraft is equipped with two independent arming systems which must both be armed for the vehicle to fly.

Hardware Safety Switch

The hardware safety switch is a lockout that disengage the flight controller outputs from the motors. In this state the motors will have power but no signal to operate. Each motor will beep periodically to indicate this state.

The button to activate and deactivate the motor outputs is located on the left GPS mast. Pressing the button for one second will toggle the vehicle between hardware armed and disarmed. When the motor outputs are activated the motors will sound one long tone to indicate they are now active and receiving a zero throttle signal.

Software Arming

With the hardware safety lockout disengaged the aircraft is now ready to be armed for flight. Arming the copter can be accomplished by deflecting the left control stick down and to the right for approximately one second. The aircraft will then perform a series of internal checks and signal the successful arming of the flight controller with a long tone. When the vehicle is armed the motors will idle at low speed. Be sure the area is clear before arming the flight controller.

Landing and Disarming

To land the aircraft and disarm, lower the throttle stick to start a descent. Control the decent rate with he throttle stick until touchdown. After touchdown, lower the throttle stick to the lowest level and hold it there. The aircraft will detect the landing and (software) disarm the aircraft.

BFD Systems – 2020