Alta-X Adjust Hover Throttle for Weight

Alta-X Adjust Hover Throttle for Weight


The Alta-X runs on a version of the PX4 flight stack. It contains a paramter called MPC_THR_HOVER. This parameter controls the throttle setpoint required for hovering. This depends on the weight of the aircraft, and is about 29% for no payload. Default is 40% for a 15lb payload.

Setting this parameter correctly will eliminate drops or climbs when switching between manual and either altitude or position mode with the throttle stick at 50%. It is also important to set this parameter correctly to prevent bunny hops when landing in automated or in position modes.


Adjusting on the Blue Alta X with Pilot Pro

  • Open the QGC app and connect to the vehicle

  • Click on the gears icon near the top left

  • Scroll down and select ALTA Config on the left sidebar

  • Scroll down on the main menu until you find the hover settings

  • Increase or decrease the setting to match the approximate hover thrust during flight conditions

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